Ed for drug delivery and is approved by FDA based on its biodegradability, biocompatibility, adjustable biodegradation kinetics, mechanical properties, ease of processing, and safety [20,21]. PLGA undergoes hydrolysis of the ester linkages in the presences of water to produce the naturally occurring monomers lactic acid and glycolic acid. It has been shown that PLGA nanoparticles loaded with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and targeted to CD4+ T lymphocytes reduce the inflammatory 259869-55-1 site immune response in vivo by promoting regulatory T cells (Treg) [22]. In addition to promoting immune tolerance via Treg, LIF is also well known to promote islet cell survival and LIF regulates b cell mass [23?5]. Using a full mismatch mouse model, here we ask, (i) does construction of “stealth” islets by pegylation 4-IBP biological activity decorated with LIF-nano support islet structure and function? and (ii) are such islets able to maintain normoglycemia following transplantation?procedures were carried out using animals less than 12 weeks old and protocols were approved by the IACUC committee at Medical University of South Carolina.Islet isolationDBA/2 mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine and xylazine. Each pancreas was perfused with collagenase (type V, 0.6 mg/mL, Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) through the pancreatic ducts. The dissected enzyme-containing pancreas was then incubated in 37uC water bath with constant shaking to release the islets which were isolated by density gradient separation using standard techniques as described [26]. Islet yield was assessed by the dithizone staining (DTZ, Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and converted to a standard number of islet equivalents (IEQ) of islets where the diameter was standardized to 150 mm. Islets were cultured in vitro in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) containing 10 of fetal bovine serum at 37uC with 5 CO2 using normal or low attachment cell culture plates (Corning, Tewksbury, MA).Pegylation and nanoparticle attachment to pegylated isletsPegylation of freshly isolated mouse islets was carried out by incubation in serum-free DMEM containing the EZ-Link AminePEG11-Biotin (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL) at 20 mg/mL at room temperature for 30 min, followed by washing with PBS. Nanoparticle preparation has been described in detail elsewhere [22]. Briefly, avidin-coated PLGA nanoparticles were loaded with a cargo of either fluorescent dye (coumarin-6), or mouse recombinant LIF (Santa Cruz, CA), using a modified water/oil water double emulsion technique. The diameter of PLGA nanoparticles generated was 100620 nm (mean 6 S.D.). For the LIF-nanoparticles the cumulative LIF release was 1000650 picograms per milligram particles over a 7-day period [22]. Nanoparticle coating of the islets was performed using a two-step method: freshly isolated mouse islets were first pegylated as above: after washing with PBS, the islets were next incubated with the avidin-coated nanoparticles in complete DMEM medium at 37uC for another 1379592 30 min. The decorated islets were then washed in PBS to remove unbound nanoparticles.Scanning electron microscopyIslets were preserved with 1 gluteraldehyde and 0.01 osmium tetroxide followed by dehydration using a graded series (10?00 ) of ethanol. Samples were placed on an aluminium stub using double stick tape and sputter coated with gold-platinum using a Denton Vacuum Desk II Sputter Unit prior to examination using a JEOL 5600LV SEM.Cell viability analysisIslets in 1 mL of PBS w.Ed for drug delivery and is approved by FDA based on its biodegradability, biocompatibility, adjustable biodegradation kinetics, mechanical properties, ease of processing, and safety [20,21]. PLGA undergoes hydrolysis of the ester linkages in the presences of water to produce the naturally occurring monomers lactic acid and glycolic acid. It has been shown that PLGA nanoparticles loaded with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and targeted to CD4+ T lymphocytes reduce the inflammatory immune response in vivo by promoting regulatory T cells (Treg) [22]. In addition to promoting immune tolerance via Treg, LIF is also well known to promote islet cell survival and LIF regulates b cell mass [23?5]. Using a full mismatch mouse model, here we ask, (i) does construction of “stealth” islets by pegylation decorated with LIF-nano support islet structure and function? and (ii) are such islets able to maintain normoglycemia following transplantation?procedures were carried out using animals less than 12 weeks old and protocols were approved by the IACUC committee at Medical University of South Carolina.Islet isolationDBA/2 mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine and xylazine. Each pancreas was perfused with collagenase (type V, 0.6 mg/mL, Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) through the pancreatic ducts. The dissected enzyme-containing pancreas was then incubated in 37uC water bath with constant shaking to release the islets which were isolated by density gradient separation using standard techniques as described [26]. Islet yield was assessed by the dithizone staining (DTZ, Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) and converted to a standard number of islet equivalents (IEQ) of islets where the diameter was standardized to 150 mm. Islets were cultured in vitro in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) containing 10 of fetal bovine serum at 37uC with 5 CO2 using normal or low attachment cell culture plates (Corning, Tewksbury, MA).Pegylation and nanoparticle attachment to pegylated isletsPegylation of freshly isolated mouse islets was carried out by incubation in serum-free DMEM containing the EZ-Link AminePEG11-Biotin (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL) at 20 mg/mL at room temperature for 30 min, followed by washing with PBS. Nanoparticle preparation has been described in detail elsewhere [22]. Briefly, avidin-coated PLGA nanoparticles were loaded with a cargo of either fluorescent dye (coumarin-6), or mouse recombinant LIF (Santa Cruz, CA), using a modified water/oil water double emulsion technique. The diameter of PLGA nanoparticles generated was 100620 nm (mean 6 S.D.). For the LIF-nanoparticles the cumulative LIF release was 1000650 picograms per milligram particles over a 7-day period [22]. Nanoparticle coating of the islets was performed using a two-step method: freshly isolated mouse islets were first pegylated as above: after washing with PBS, the islets were next incubated with the avidin-coated nanoparticles in complete DMEM medium at 37uC for another 1379592 30 min. The decorated islets were then washed in PBS to remove unbound nanoparticles.Scanning electron microscopyIslets were preserved with 1 gluteraldehyde and 0.01 osmium tetroxide followed by dehydration using a graded series (10?00 ) of ethanol. Samples were placed on an aluminium stub using double stick tape and sputter coated with gold-platinum using a Denton Vacuum Desk II Sputter Unit prior to examination using a JEOL 5600LV SEM.Cell viability analysisIslets in 1 mL of PBS w.