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Favorable biocompatibility [5-7] and very good marginal adaptation [4, 8, 9]. MTA also induces tough tissue formation [10, 11]. Even so, MTA is high priced and has poor handling traits, a extended setting time and no predictable antimicrobial activity [12, 13]. Calcium enriched mixture (CEM) cement has clinical applications related to MTA. The biological response ofTCase ReportAn 8-year-old boy was referred to the division of Endodontics of Mashhad Faculty of Dentistry using a chief complaint of discomfort in the course of chewing as well as a history of surgery to correct a cleft palate. There were no troubles within the patient’s healthcare history. Dental examination revealed the initial upper permanent molars and 1st proper reduced permanent molar had substantial carious lesions. The involved teeth responded to vitality test with severe lingering pain and have been asymptomatic to percussion and palpation. Radiographic examination showed immature apices with no apical lesion (Figures 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A). According to the clinical/radiographic assessment and extreme coronal breakdown, a therapy of coronal pulpotomies for the affected molars was chosen. Under local anesthesia with 2 lidocaine and 1:80,000 epinephrine and rubber damIEJ Iranian Endodontic Journal 2013;eight(three):145-ZOE, MTA and CEM cement in VPTFigure 1. Very first right mandibular permanent molar periapical radiograph (ZOE case); A) Initial radiograph; B) Postoperative radiograph; C)Seven months recall with SS crown; D) 18 months recallFigure two. First right maxillary permanent molar periapical radiograph (MTA case); A) Initial radiograph; B) Postoperative radiograph; C) Sevenmonths recall with SS crown, D) 18 months recallisolation, the caries of the 1st right mandibular molar had been excavated. Coronal pulp was removed using a high-speed sterile round diamond bur (Maillefer, Tulsa, OK, USA) with water cooling. Hemorrhage was controlled with sterile cotton pellets and 5.25 NaOCl. Zinc oxide powder plus eugenol (Kemdent, SwinDon, HT, UK) was placed around the exposed pulp (Figure 1b) along with the cavity was sealed temporarily with Cavit (Asia Chemi Teb Co., Tehran, Iran). Precisely the same procedure was performed for the very first upper molars. In the correct upper molar, MTA powder (ProRoot MTA; Dentsply, Tulsa Dental, Tulsa, OK, USA) was mixed with distilled water and placed gently over the exposed pulps (Figure 2B). A moist cotton pellet was placed around the MTA as well as the cavity was sealed temporarily with Cavit. For the first left upper molar, a two mm layer of CEM cement (BioniqueDent, Tehran, Iran) was placed over the exposed pulp utilizing an amalgam carrier and was gently adapted towards the dentinal walls on the access cavity using a dry cotton pellet (Figure 3B).Clofibrate A moistened cotton pellet was placed lightly over it.Belinostat The tooth was temporarily filled with Cavit.PMID:23865629 The patient was reexamined soon after three days. The teeth were asymptomatic and permanent restorations were completed. Due to the massive decay and low remaining dental tissue, we decided to restore the teeth with a stainless steel (SS) crown (Figures 1C, 2C, 3C). The very first left molar also had a carious lesion but responded usually to all vitality tests and was restored with amalgam (Figure 4A). The 6-, 12- and 18-month follow-up revealed no clinical problems in all treated teeth and periapical radiographs showed that the apices were closed with no sign of pathology (Figures 1D, 2D, 3D, 4B). However, following 18 months, slight widening of PDL was noticed within the very first suitable mandibular molar treated using ZOE that nee.

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Author: signsin1dayinc