Urrence No Yes PKCa overexpression Negative Positive 1 0.677 0.444?.032 0.0699 1 3.494 2.117?.766 ,0.0001 1 5.224 3.435?.944 ,0.0001 1 6.147 3.627?0.420 ,0.0001 1 6.281 3.343?1.800 ,0.0001 1 3.813 2.297?.328 ,0.0001 1 6.497 3.262?2.940 ,0.0001 1 1.761 1.183?.620 0.0053 1 1.525 1.023?.274 0.0381 1 0.682 0.417?.114 0.1264 1 3.396 2.163?.333 ,0.0001 1 1.267 0.837?.920 0.2632 1 1.914 1.158?.164 0.*Significance level: P,0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056675.t*CI: confidence interval; **Significance level: P,0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056675.tPKCa inhibits cell growth in normal intestinal epithelial cells and pancreatic carcinoma [19]. Thus the expression patterns of PKC isoforms differ across different tissues and even within the same tissue [23]. To date, the role of PKCa expression in human cancers is not well understood, but seems to depend on tumor type. PKCa has been hypothesized to play an important role in the carcinogenesis and metastasis of gastrointestinal cancers. PKCaprotein is the most abundant isoform in Licochalcone A price BIBS39 custom synthesis gastric epithelial cells [10], although the role of PKCa in gastrointestinal tumors is not clear. With regard to intestinal cancer, one study has postulated that PKCa acts as a tumor suppressor [9], but another study has indicated that PKCa may act as both a tumor promoter and tumor suppressor [24]. In colon carcinoma, PKCa overexpression has been correlated with the migratory activity of tumor cells [23]. The first report to document the critical role of PKCa inPKCa Protein Overexpression in Gastric CarcinomaTable 4. Backward Multi-Variate Analysis of PKCa Protein Expression and Other Prognostic
Markers in 215 Patients with Gastric Carcinoma.Variables PKCa overexpression Negative Positive Age ,60 ?0 Pathologic stage I+II III+IV Nodal status N0 N1-3 Distant metastasis Absent Present Local recurrence No YesHazard ratio95 CI*P**1 0.632 0.407?.982 0.1 2.953 1.749?.986 ,0.1 2.310 1.052?.073 0.1 2.115 0.861?.196 0.1 3.573 2.285?.586 ,0.1 3.174 1.856?.428 ,0.*CI: confidence interval; **Significance level: P,0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056675.tmaintaining the transformed phenotype of gastric cancer cells was published in 2004 [10]. Another study showed that PKCa promotes apoptosis of MGC80-3 gastric cancer cells [25]. Recently, we postulated that PKCa mRNA expression is upregulated, and is associated with distant metastasis in gastric carcinoma [15]. Several immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated that PKCa is overexpressed in high-grade bladder, prostate, and endometrial 1326631 cancers, whereas 24786787 breast, colon, and basal cell cancers display downregulation of PKCa expression [21]. Although an association between PKCa expression and gastric carcinoma has been documented, neither the clinicopathological correlations nor the prognostic significance of PKCa protein overexpression in gastric carcinoma had been studied. In this study, we tested the PKCa mRNA expression in gastric carcinoma at first via quantitative real-time PCR using ten pairs of tumor and nontumor gastric tissues. Our data demonstrated PKCa mRNA expression was upregulated in gastric carcinoma. Then we applied immunohistochemical method to evaluate the expression of PKCa protein in gastric carcinomas. Our data indicated PKCa protein overexpression in 41 cases of gastric carcinoma. Furthermore, PKCa protein overexpression was correlated to clinicopathological parameters. We found PKCa protein overexpression to be statistically correlated with histologic type. Inte.Urrence No Yes PKCa overexpression Negative Positive 1 0.677 0.444?.032 0.0699 1 3.494 2.117?.766 ,0.0001 1 5.224 3.435?.944 ,0.0001 1 6.147 3.627?0.420 ,0.0001 1 6.281 3.343?1.800 ,0.0001 1 3.813 2.297?.328 ,0.0001 1 6.497 3.262?2.940 ,0.0001 1 1.761 1.183?.620 0.0053 1 1.525 1.023?.274 0.0381 1 0.682 0.417?.114 0.1264 1 3.396 2.163?.333 ,0.0001 1 1.267 0.837?.920 0.2632 1 1.914 1.158?.164 0.*Significance level: P,0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056675.t*CI: confidence interval; **Significance level: P,0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056675.tPKCa inhibits cell growth in normal intestinal epithelial cells and pancreatic carcinoma [19]. Thus the expression patterns of PKC isoforms differ across different tissues and even within the same tissue [23]. To date, the role of PKCa expression in human cancers is not well understood, but seems to depend on tumor type. PKCa has been hypothesized to play an important role in the carcinogenesis and metastasis of gastrointestinal cancers. PKCaprotein is the most abundant isoform in gastric epithelial cells [10], although the role of PKCa in gastrointestinal tumors is not clear. With regard to intestinal cancer, one study has postulated that PKCa acts as a tumor suppressor [9], but another study has indicated that PKCa may act as both a tumor promoter and tumor suppressor [24]. In colon carcinoma, PKCa overexpression has been correlated with the migratory activity of tumor cells [23]. The first report to document the critical role of PKCa inPKCa Protein Overexpression in Gastric CarcinomaTable 4. Backward Multi-Variate Analysis of PKCa Protein Expression and Other Prognostic Markers in 215 Patients with Gastric Carcinoma.Variables PKCa overexpression Negative Positive Age ,60 ?0 Pathologic stage I+II III+IV Nodal status N0 N1-3 Distant metastasis Absent Present Local recurrence No YesHazard ratio95 CI*P**1 0.632 0.407?.982 0.1 2.953 1.749?.986 ,0.1 2.310 1.052?.073 0.1 2.115 0.861?.196 0.1 3.573 2.285?.586 ,0.1 3.174 1.856?.428 ,0.*CI: confidence interval; **Significance level: P,0.05. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0056675.tmaintaining the transformed phenotype of gastric cancer cells was published in 2004 [10]. Another study showed that PKCa promotes apoptosis of MGC80-3 gastric cancer cells [25]. Recently, we postulated that PKCa mRNA expression is upregulated, and is associated with distant metastasis in gastric carcinoma [15]. Several immunohistochemical studies have demonstrated that PKCa is overexpressed in high-grade bladder, prostate, and endometrial 1326631 cancers, whereas 24786787 breast, colon, and basal cell cancers display downregulation of PKCa expression [21]. Although an association between PKCa expression and gastric carcinoma has been documented, neither the clinicopathological correlations nor the prognostic significance of PKCa protein overexpression in gastric carcinoma had been studied. In this study, we tested the PKCa mRNA expression in gastric carcinoma at first via quantitative real-time PCR using ten pairs of tumor and nontumor gastric tissues. Our data demonstrated PKCa mRNA expression was upregulated in gastric carcinoma. Then we applied immunohistochemical method to evaluate the expression of PKCa protein in gastric carcinomas. Our data indicated PKCa protein overexpression in 41 cases of gastric carcinoma. Furthermore, PKCa protein overexpression was correlated to clinicopathological parameters. We found PKCa protein overexpression to be statistically correlated with histologic type. Inte.