H rabbit hyperimmune sera raised against M. agalactiae PG2T (1), M. mycoides subsp. capri PG3 (2), M. capricolum subsp. capricolum CK (3), M. arginini G230 (4), M. canadense C275 (5), M. ovipneumoniae Y98 (6), M. putrefaciens KS1 (7), M. mycoides subsp. capri LC (8), and M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (9). Lane 10 equals lane 1 except that no primary antibody was used. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057775.gGST-MAG_5040 also displayed endonuclease activity by nicking closed circular plasmid DNA. Activity of GST-MAG_5040 was optimal in the presence of 20 mM Mg2+, and no activity could be detected in the presence of EDTA. These observations are consistent with the identification of binding sites for bivalent ions in the TNASE_3 thermonuclease domain. Mycoplasma nucleases performance is strictly dependent on the presence of divalent cations, and proved optimal in the presence of both magnesium and calcium ions [10,42,43]. As an example, the M. hyopneumoniae nuclease mhp379 requires only Ca2+ [12], while M. pulmonis, M. penetrans, and M. hyorhinis nucleases showed their maximum activity in the presence of both Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions [8,16,42]. Interestingly Ca2+ seems to have an inhibitory effect on MAG_5040 activity, as increasing Ca2+ concentration results in partial loss of activity already at 2 mM CaCl2, and total inhibition at 10 mM. This was already observed in M. capricolum, where nuclease is active only in the presence of Mg2+ while Ca2+ is inhibitory [10]. Nuclease activity of MAG_5040 increased when Na+ and K+ were added to the reaction at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 100 mM, while it was dramatically inhibited at 200 mM of any of the two ions. A decrease of such activity with increasing ionicstrength has been already observed for other mycoplasma nucleases [10,12,42]. Under optimal conditions rGST-MAG_5040 performed best between 30?0uC with maximum activity between 37 and 45uC. This could promote the survival of M. agalactiae in poorly thermoregulated external districts of the host, such as the conjunctiva, but also in more controlled environments such as the mammary gland, which under physiological conditions is maintained at 38?0uC temperature. The residual activity of rGST-MAG_5040 at 65uC could be most likely purchase SPI1005 associated with the function of Mg2+ in stabilizing the structure of the nuclease, similarly to what observed with Ca2+ in analogue experiments conducted on the M. hyopneumoniae nuclease mhp379 [12]. In M. agalactiae the MAG_5040 gene is located upstream an ABC transporter Fexinidazole operon, and this organization is observed in all the mycoplasmas belonging to the M. hominis group, and in many other mycoplasma species. The conserved co-localization of the SNase with genes encoding domains associated to transport strongly suggests that MAG_5040 is involved in the import of nucleic acid precursors. Also, homologs of MAG_5030 (P80) can be identified upstream the SNase gene at least in the M. hominis group, suggesting its conserved role as solute binding protein.M. agalactiae SNaseIndeed, MAG_5030 3D modeling and structure prevision designate this protein as belonging to families including solute binding proteins mostly associated with sugar transport. On the contrary, no conserved positions are observed downstream the ABC transporter. Therefore in a hypothetic model, MAG_5040 could provide nucleotide precursors to the ABC transporter by “stealing” them from the host nucleic acids, with MAG_5030 (P80) acting as solute binding prot.H rabbit hyperimmune sera raised against M. agalactiae PG2T (1), M. mycoides subsp. capri PG3 (2), M. capricolum subsp. capricolum CK (3), M. arginini G230 (4), M. canadense C275 (5), M. ovipneumoniae Y98 (6), M. putrefaciens
KS1 (7), M. mycoides subsp. capri LC (8), and M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (9). Lane 10 equals lane 1 except that no primary antibody was used. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057775.gGST-MAG_5040 also displayed endonuclease activity by nicking closed circular plasmid DNA. Activity of GST-MAG_5040 was optimal in the presence of 20 mM Mg2+, and no activity could be detected in the presence of EDTA. These observations are consistent with the identification of binding sites for bivalent ions in the TNASE_3 thermonuclease domain. Mycoplasma nucleases performance is strictly dependent on the presence of divalent cations, and proved optimal in the presence of both magnesium and calcium ions [10,42,43]. As an example, the M. hyopneumoniae nuclease mhp379 requires only Ca2+ [12], while M. pulmonis, M. penetrans, and M. hyorhinis nucleases showed their maximum activity in the presence of both Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions [8,16,42]. Interestingly Ca2+ seems to have an inhibitory effect on MAG_5040 activity, as increasing Ca2+ concentration results in partial loss of activity already at 2 mM CaCl2, and total inhibition at 10 mM. This was already observed in M. capricolum, where nuclease is active only in the presence of Mg2+ while Ca2+ is inhibitory [10]. Nuclease activity of MAG_5040 increased when Na+ and K+ were added to the reaction at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 100 mM, while it was dramatically inhibited at 200 mM of any of the two ions. A decrease of such activity with increasing ionicstrength has been already observed for other mycoplasma nucleases [10,12,42]. Under optimal conditions rGST-MAG_5040 performed best between 30?0uC with maximum activity between 37 and 45uC. This could promote the survival of M. agalactiae in poorly thermoregulated external districts of the host, such as the conjunctiva, but also in more controlled environments such as the mammary gland, which under physiological conditions is maintained at 38?0uC temperature. The residual activity of rGST-MAG_5040 at 65uC could be most likely associated with the function of Mg2+ in stabilizing the structure of the nuclease, similarly to what observed with Ca2+ in analogue experiments conducted on the M. hyopneumoniae nuclease mhp379 [12]. In M. agalactiae the MAG_5040 gene is located upstream an ABC transporter operon, and this organization is observed in all the mycoplasmas belonging to the M. hominis group, and in many other mycoplasma species. The conserved co-localization of the SNase with genes encoding domains associated to transport strongly suggests that MAG_5040 is involved in the import of nucleic acid precursors. Also, homologs of MAG_5030 (P80) can be identified upstream the SNase gene at least in the M. hominis group, suggesting its conserved role as solute binding protein.M. agalactiae SNaseIndeed, MAG_5030 3D modeling and structure prevision designate this protein as belonging to families including solute binding proteins mostly associated with sugar transport. On the contrary, no conserved positions are observed downstream the ABC transporter. Therefore in a hypothetic model, MAG_5040 could provide nucleotide precursors to the ABC transporter by “stealing” them from the host nucleic acids, with MAG_5030 (P80) acting as solute binding prot.